Capital and Estates
Management of estates and property is a key aspect of the Trust’s work with schools.
DHMAT has access to an experienced estates professional who provides support and advice on building maintenance, procurement and management of contractors, energy efficiency, capital project management and strategic asset planning. Members of the central team provide support on day to day estate matters including procurement.
All DHMAT academies receive:
- Input into, and the support of a strategic approach to estates management
- Negotiation and set-up of premises and vehicle related insurance premiums
- Advice on insurances and insurance liaison
- Procurement of all legally required insurance covers
- Emergency planning and implementation
- Support and advice on lettings and leasing arrangements
- Procurement of utilities
- Access to SALIX loans for energy efficiency projects
- Support and advice on catering and cleaning contracts
DHMAT receives annual SCA capital funding and all DHMAT academies are able to bid for this funding through a robust and transparent assessment process delivered through the Finance and Resources Steering Group.
DHMAT academies receive support for bidding internally for SCA funding, tendering for capital projects as well as project management for capital projects.
What happens with capital funding within the DHMAT?
For MATs with over 3000 pupils, such as ours, there is a single annual capital allocation. Our Finance and Resources Steering Group play an important role in the board’s decision making. Each school also has an annual allowance as is the case with maintained schools.
If I have a problem with my school building what does the DHMAT do to help?
The Central Team will provide advice and support, this could range from sourcing contractors or surveyors or assisting with insurance claims through to commissioning and project managing a major project. The Central Team can work with school-based support staff to resolve problems leaving Headteachers free to direct teaching and learning.
What are your plans for future support with property management?
As DHMAT expands we want to build a team of centrally employed professional staff across a range of disciplines. As we move towards this objective we will develop existing relationships with estates professionals through a central service level agreement. This will enable us to have better oversight of the Trust estate to identify site issues to take preventative and remedial actions as required.